The Hyderabad police will be imposing traffic restrictions on Friday due to Jummat-ul-Vida, the last Friday of Ramzan. The restrictions will be around Mecca Masjid in the Old City and Jama-e-Masjid in Secunderabad. The main roads between Charminar, Madina, Murgi Chowk, Rajesh Medical Hall, and Shalibanda will be closed for all vehicles from 9 am to 3 pm. Traffic coming from Nayapul towards Charminar will be diverted at Madina junction towards City College and Himmatpura, Chowk Maidan Khan, Motigalli, Ethebar Chowk, Sehr-e-Batil Kaman, and Lakkad Kote.
Parking will be provided at seven different places for devotees coming to Mecca Masjid. Thousands of people from various parts of Hyderabad and other districts offer Jummat-ul-Vida prayers in Mecca Masjid. Arrangements are also made for people to offer namaz on roads adjoining the mosque and nearby Charminar.
After the Friday prayers, AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi will address the gathering at Mecca Masjid. Every year, the party is allowed to conduct Jalsa Youm-ul-Quran after Jummat-ul-Vida prayers. Additionally, the traffic police announced traffic restrictions around Jama-e-Masjid Secunderabad. Subhash Road in Secunderabad between Mahankali PS and Ramgopalpet Road Junction on the MG road will be closed for vehicular traffic from 9 am to 1 pm.