Important leaders of the BRS party, including K Chandrashekar Rao, KT Rama Rao, and T Harish Rao, will be filing their nominations for the upcoming elections. KCR will be filing nominations from Gajwel and Kamareddy constituencies. He will first go to Gajwel by helicopter from his farmhouse in Erravelli at 11 am, then go to Kamareddy in the same helicopter and file nominations at 2 pm. After filing the second nomination, KCR will address a public meeting in the constituency.
On November 28, the last day of campaigning, KCR will address his final public meeting of this election. In 2014 and 2018, he addressed the last public meeting in Gajwel. KTR will file nomination papers in the Sircilla constituency at 11:45 am at the Sircilla RDO office. Finance Minister T Harish Rao will file from Siddipet. The last day to file nomination papers is November 10.