The Bharat Rashtra Samiti (BRS) is opening a new office building in Delhi on Thursday. The party’s president, K Chandrashekar Rao, will attend the inauguration. The building was constructed according to ‘vastu sastra’ in Basant Vihar and has four floors. The lower ground floor will have a media hall and servant quarters. The ground floor will have a canteen, reception lobby, and four chambers for the general secretaries. KCR’s chamber, other chambers, and conference halls are on the first floor. The second and third floors have 20 rooms, including the president and working president’s suites.
Roads and Buildings Minister V Prashanth Reddy and Rajya Sabha MP Joginapalli Santosh Kumar are monitoring the work related to the BRS Bhavan. KCR will perform rituals and special pujas before entering the office and occupying his seat. The party office covers an area of 11,000 square ft. KCR will use the office to expand BRS activities in Delhi.