The Union Home Minister Amit Shah is visiting Hyderabad on Sunday to address a public meeting in Chevella as part of Parliament Pravas Yojana. His visit is important as he will be reviewing the activities of the state party and giving a clear roadmap to win the elections. The target is to win all the Lok Sabha seats from Telangana and come to power in the state.
The party will be focusing on specific seats such as Nizamabad, Adilabad, Karimnagar, Secundrabad, Zaheerabad, reserved seats of Warangal, Mahabubabad and Chevella. The party believes that showcasing the development works in and around Secunderabad Parliament segments could help win over the voters of the Malkajgiri Lok Sabha segment which is currently represented by sitting Congress MP A Revanth Reddy.
During his visit, Amit Shah will review the level of campaign that has been done so far and give clear strategies to be followed by the state unit. He will also review the political situation constituency-wise and give an action plan to take on BRS. Shah will discuss issues like why there has been a slowdown in people from other parties joining the BJP and the internal differences between some leaders and possible negative impact on the party’s electoral prospects.
Once Karnataka polls are over, Amit Shah and other leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will be visiting Telangana frequently.