Home Telangana Three individuals in Shaikpet, Hyderabad lose their lives due to electric shock...

Three individuals in Shaikpet, Hyderabad lose their lives due to electric shock in Telangana.

Three individuals in Shaikpet, Hyderabad lose their lives due to electric shock in Telangana.

In Shaikpet, Hyderabad, a tragedy occurred when two brothers and their friend died due to electric shock. Anas (19) was electrocuted when he tried to turn on the motor in his house. Rizwan (18) tried to save him but also got a shock, and Razzaq (16), a friend who was nearby, died while trying to help the brothers. The families and locals were devastated by the deaths. The bodies were taken to Osmania Hospital for post-mortem. An investigation is ongoing and a case has been registered.



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