The Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha are scheduled to resume discussions on the Union Budget 2023 after being suspended for a day due to protests from both parties. The ruling parties have asked Congress Member Rahul Gandhi to retract his comments regarding the Adani case, while the opposition has called for a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) investigation into the matter.
However, the second half of the Union Budget 2023 session is also facing frequent delays. Sources suggest that leaders of like-minded opposition parties will gather on Thursday to discuss a floor plan for the upcoming second part of the budget session, despite the ongoing impasse in Parliament.
Meanwhile, Union minister Kiren Rijiju has criticized Rahul Gandhi for suggesting that Indian democracy is in danger, stating that anti-India elements use the same language. He further stated that while the administration and the Bharatiya Janata Party are unconcerned with what Rahul Gandhi says or how it may harm his own party, they would not tolerate “defamation” of the nation.
The government has asked Rahul Gandhi to apologize for “defaming” India and its democratic institutions in remarks he made while visiting the United Kingdom. He had asserted that there is no freedom of speech in India, which the government claims was offensive to the media, the legislature, and the courts.