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“The Reason Behind Camilla’s Decision to Not Wear Kohinoor and a Concise Account of the Controversial Diamond’s Past”

"The Reason Behind Camilla's Decision to Not Wear Kohinoor and a Concise Account of the Controversial Diamond's Past"

Calls have been made for the Kohinoor diamond to be returned to India, where it was originally mined and crafted. Queen Camilla has decided not to wear the 105-carat diamond during King Charles III’s coronation ceremony due to diplomatic sensitivities, and has instead chosen to wear the Cullinan III, IV, and V diamonds, which were taken from South Africa during the colonial era. However, this decision has also sparked controversy, with some arguing that these diamonds represent a history of denying Africans their humanity and rights.

The Kohinoor diamond has become a focus of anti-colonial anger, and many in India and anti-colonialists across the world have demanded that it be rightfully returned to its country of origin. This issue has been reignited partly due to the upcoming coronation of King Charles III, and also due to a viral video in which two journalists debated whether the UK should return the diamond to India.


Some historians argue that the UK’s claim that the Kohinoor was a “gift” ignores its troubling history, which includes the imprisonment of the Sikh emperor’s mother and it being treated as a spoil of war. The diamond has been seized by various rulers over the centuries, including Muslim and Mughal leaders, as well as Persian and Afghan conquerors.

The controversy surrounding the Kohinoor and other stolen diamonds highlights the ongoing debate over the legacy of colonialism and imperialism.



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