The India Meteorological Department (IMD) says that the start of the Southwest Monsoon in India will be late this year. It is expected to rain in Kerala by June 4, and the monsoon will then move towards Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The IMD had previously said that the monsoon winds would arrive in Kerala on June 1, but this has been delayed by four days due to storms at sea and bad weather. The sun will continue to be hot for a few more days before the monsoon arrives.
The IMD predicts that the monsoon will enter Andhra Pradesh on June 8, and it will take four more days to cover the entire state. In Telangana, the monsoon is estimated to arrive between June 10 and 12, and it will spread across the state by June 16.
The IMD is closely monitoring the weather conditions, so they can give accurate forecasts and keep people informed about when and where it will rain. They advise people to stay updated with the latest weather advisories and be careful during the transition from pre-monsoon to monsoon season.
Even though the monsoon is late this year, it brings hope for relief from the hot summer weather in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana in the coming weeks.