The Gujarat Government is embarking on a unique initiative to connect with the descendants of Gujarati migrants who settled in Madurai centuries ago. The 10-day programme, beginning on April 17, is part of the ‘Ek Bharat, Shresth Bharat’ programme, which aims to preserve and promote the rich culture and heritage of Saurashtra and Tamil Nadu. The event, called Saurashtra Tamil Sangamam, will facilitate a reunion with the ancestral homeland and explore aspects such as industry, handloom, education, culture, and sports. Officials hope to encourage participation in cultural exchange between Saurashtra and Tamil Nadu by reconnecting Tamil-speaking migrants from Saurashtra with their roots. The event will feature an exhibition of art, culture, cuisine, handlooms, handicrafts, and more from both Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Cultural performances such as classical dance and music, folk music, concerts, and debates and seminars on the Ramayana and Mahabharata will also be available in Tamil, Saurashtra, and Gujarati literature. The initiative could help merge the silk fabric expertise of the Tamil Saurashtrian people and the textile industry of Gujarat. The logo depicts the confluence of the two cultures through the Somnath temple and the Meenakshi temple near Madurai. The event aims to provide an immersive experience of Gujarat for people from Tamil Nadu while introducing the cultural richness of Tamil Nadu to people from Gujarat through a healthy exchange of knowledge-sharing experiences via events, visits, and conversations.