A new cricket training center called the Mahabubnagar Cricket Arena (MCA) was opened in Mahabubnagar, near the new RTO office on Saturday. The aim of the center is to help budding cricketers in the district by providing them with professional training and practicing facilities. The Sports, Excise, Prohibition, Culture and Tourism Minister Dr. V Srinivas Goud inaugurated the MCA arena and stated that more such cricket training centers are needed in the district to help young people who are interested in cricket as a career, to get trained systematically and achieve national and international success.
The minister observed that there are many talented sports people in rural areas but there are not enough professional training facilities available. He believes that if more practicing arenas are opened up, more young people can refine their talents and compete with state, national and international players. After inaugurating the MCA cricket practicing arena, the minister played cricket on the new pitch and showed his batting skills.
Finally, the sports minister congratulated the organizers of the cricket academy and wished them a good sporting future ahead.