The national president of BJP OBC Morcha, Dr K Laxman, has accused the Telangana government of trying to silence those who question its undemocratic actions. He referred to the recent arrest of the State BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar and said that the government is sending opposition leaders and journalists to jail. Laxman added that there is a serious discussion taking place among the public in Telangana about the “leakage and package” government.
The leak of question papers from the Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has affected lakhs of unemployed people who were preparing for the examinations with the hope of getting a job. Parents have spent huge amounts to support their children, but their hopes were dashed following the leak. Anguished unemployed students have taken to the streets to express their anger towards the government.
There are also reports that the BRS chief offered packages to opposition parties to take on BJP and Narendra Modi in the ensuing parliamentary elections if he was made the chairman of the opposition parties. Both the leaks of question papers and the offering of packages to opposition parties have made the BRS unpopular in Telangana.
The BJP and TS BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar are fighting for the interests of unemployed and students, but the state government is stifling their voices. Dr Laxman said, “Voices of opposition parties and even journalists are curtailed and sent to jails.”
Bandi Sanjay Kumar, a sitting MP, was arrested, which is a violation of his fundamental right to attend parliament while it is in session. Laxman warned that if he is not released on Wednesday, they will launch a state-wide agitation from tomorrow.