The BJP is facing a leadership crisis in the Telugu states, especially in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The party has not made an effort to groom new leaders, which is now causing problems. This became evident when the party welcomed new members from other parties before the 2023 Assembly elections in Telangana. These new members struggled to adjust to the BJP’s way of functioning, leading to differences and groupism within the party.
However, the BJP has a stronger base in Telangana compared to Andhra Pradesh, thanks to prominent leaders like Baddam Bal Reddy, Ale Narendra, Ch Vidyasagar Rao, M Venkaiah Naidu, Nallu Indrasena Reddy, and Bandru Dattareya. Unfortunately, the party is currently lacking such strong leaders. The only notable MLA after Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay is Goshamahal MLA Raja Singh, but his fiery speeches often create trouble for the party.
In contrast, regional parties like TDP and YSRCP have produced many leaders. This highlights the lack of strong local leaders within the Andhra Pradesh BJP.