Telangana Congress MLA Anirudh Reddy has praised Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu for his decision to accept Telangana recommendation letters for darshan at the Tirumala Tirupati temple. He mentioned that this move has been warmly welcomed by the public and has helped create a sense of goodwill between the two neighboring states.
The MLA also spoke about the collaboration between the Chief Ministers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He called it a positive step that strengthens regional ties. “Both Chief Ministers are working together with mutual support, which is crucial for the development and harmony of the Telugu-speaking states,” he said.
Anirudh Reddy highlighted the freedom that public representatives in Telangana currently enjoy. He shared that he has the ability to act independently and can directly communicate with the Chief Minister over the phone. Reflecting on the past, he criticized the lack of such flexibility during the BRS regime, pointing out the differences in governance styles.