Home Hyderabad Telangana: Political party opposed parties along with pupil marriage objection at TSPSC...

Telangana: Political party opposed parties along with pupil marriage objection at TSPSC business office, arrested

Telangana: Political party opposed parties along with pupil marriage objection at TSPSC business office, arrested

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Representative double

There was in a state of physical or nervous tension envelope of gases near the TSPSC business office as the BJYM activists and Youth Congress activists tried to lay down besieging to TSPSC business office and protested the escape through an opening of the exam paper.

The BJP cadre started a vast agitation and BJYM activists tried to destroy TSPSC committee having supervisory powers. However, the police stopped the conveyance. BJYM workers got into an altercation with the police, which led to the scuffle. The BJYM has demanded an inquiry by the sitting jurist.

On the not the same deal, Youth Congress also tried to besiege the TSPSC business office. Youth Congress workers tried to perish interior the business office. The police intercepted them and took them to the post.



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