Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari of Telangana State has asked officials to plant more fruit bearing trees near villages in the state. She held a meeting with officials from irrigation, panchayat raj, and forest departments to check on the progress of plantation on irrigation lands. The officials reported that they have identified 389 blocks for tree planting along canal bunds. The proposed species are timber and fruit bearing plants available in forest and gram panchayat nurseries.
The Chief Secretary instructed officials to prepare a plantation model covering an area of more than three acres. She suggested planting fruit bearing trees closer to villages and developing a design for trenching in areas larger than three acres. Work is expected to start on June 15. PCCF R M Dobriyal, Principal Secretary PR&RD Sandeep Kumar Sultania, Commissioner PR&RD Hanumantha Rao, and other officials attended the meeting.