The release of the movie ‘Vyuham’, directed by Ram Gopal Varma, has been suspended by the Telangana High Court just a few hours before its release. The court has ordered that the movie cannot be released based on the certificate issued by the Central Censor Board. The suspension of the certificate will be in effect until January 11. The hearing on the petitions challenging the release of the movie has been adjourned to the same date.
The arguments in the Telangana High Court lasted from morning till evening, and after examining the arguments, Judge Justice Nanda passed the interim order at 11.30 pm. The order states that the certificate issued for the movie’s screening is being suspended based on the basic evidence.
Meanwhile, there are objections from TDP ranks claiming that the movie ‘Vyuham’ was made to tarnish the reputation of TDP president Chandrababu Naidu. A petition filed by party general secretary Nara Lokesh challenging the release of the film was heard by Justice Surepalli Nanda. Senior advocates Unnam Muralidhar Rao and Unnam Shravankumar represented Lokesh during the hearing.
Senior advocate S Niranjan Reddy, representing the producers, argued that it is not appropriate to approach the court and request a movie to be stopped based solely on watching the trailer. He mentioned that a 10-member committee examined the film and suggested the removal of some elements.