In Hyderabad, Senior BRS leader T Harish Rao is asking the State government to buy sunflower crop at a support price of Rs 6,760. He sent a letter to CM A Revanth Reddy explaining that farmers in Medak and Nizamabad districts have harvested sunflower in 20,829 acres. Rao had previously informed the government on February 22 that the crop was not receiving the minimum support price in the market. Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageswar Rao had promised to buy sunflower at Rs 6,760 in response.
Rao mentioned that while some purchases have been made in markets, the government is only buying what the Central government requires. This leaves 75% of the crop unsold and farmers are forced to sell at low prices, resulting in losses. The State has a total yield of 165,800 quintals, with the Centre agreeing to purchase only 37,300 quintals. The remaining 75% should be bought by the State government.
During BRS’s time in power, procurement centers were set up under Markfed to buy the crop at a support price. Rao emphasized the importance of buying the entire crop at the support price of Rs 6,760 to avoid deceiving farmers.