Ministers T Harish Rao and Sabita Indra Reddy spoke in Siddipet on Monday, saying that the government will provide the same facilities available in Hyderabad to people in remote villages. They made these remarks while inaugurating Sri Ranganayaka Swami BPharmacy College in Ramancha village.
Harish expressed his happiness at the launch of the college, which was made possible after obtaining all the necessary permissions in just eight months. He mentioned that Siddipet has become an education hub, offering colleges for various courses like medicine, agriculture, veterinary, pharmacy, and nursing.
Rao highlighted that Telangana is leading the country in grain production and producing doctors. The state has 22 MBBS seats for every one lakh population. He stated that under the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, Hyderabad has seen growth in the IT sector, along with the development of agriculture in villages. Telangana has become the top state in IT exports.
The minister also mentioned that Telangana is the only state in the country to provide uninterrupted 24-hour power supply. He claimed that the state has the highest national average income. While the government is focused on welfare and development, Rao criticized the opposition parties for engaging in verbal abuses.
Sabita praised Harish Rao for his commitment to development, which he had shown even during the separatist movement. She mentioned that the government is working towards implementing KG to PG education, with the establishment of Gurukul institutions offering quality education. She also thanked Harish Rao for prioritizing girls’ education and announced that a women’s university will be established soon by the Chief Minister.