The Telangana government, led by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, has decided to bring administration to the village level. They will launch a new program to address the problems faced by the people. This program will take place from the 28th of this month to the 6th of January and will involve a ten-day public governance initiative.
A special mechanism, led by the District Collector, will conduct meetings at the village level to directly listen to and resolve the issues faced by the people. CM Revanth Reddy will discuss this program in the upcoming collectors’ conference on the 24th of this month.
The government’s objective is to ensure that the problems of the village and mandal residents are effectively resolved. They aim to find permanent solutions to issues related to education, medicine, and land at the village level. The initial ten-day period will see a large-scale organization of public governance activities in the villages.
This initiative shows the government’s commitment to addressing the concerns of the people and making sure their voices are heard. By bringing governance closer to the people, they hope to resolve the issues faced by the villagers more effectively.