On Thursday, the Collectorate in Khammam was lit up with colorful lights to celebrate the upcoming Telangana State Formation Day. The celebrations will take place in both Khammam and Kothagudem districts from Friday. The government offices in both districts have been decorated with beautiful lighting. On Friday, Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar and Government Whip Pinapaka MLA Rega Kantha Rao will hoist the national flag in Khammam and Kothagudem, respectively.
District Collectors VP Gautham and Anudeep D held meetings to discuss the schedule and conduct of the celebrations. On Saturday, Telangana RythuDinotsavam will be celebrated with rallies featuring tractors and bullock carts. Farmers’ meetings will be held at RythuVedikas where officials will explain schemes like RythuBandhu and RythuBima to the public. Beneficiaries will also be asked to share their experiences. Officials have been instructed to keep all RythuVedikas ready for the event.