Hyderabad: The State Congress government had promised to provide Rs 15,000 per acre annually to farmers under the Rythu Bharosa scheme during the elections. However, the State cabinet has now decided to pay only Rs 12,000, which has been criticized by the Telangana Rythu Sangham State Committee as unfair.
Pothineni Sudarshan Rao, the committee’s president, pointed out on Sunday that the Swaminathan Commission identified two major causes for farmers’ suicides: the lack of a minimum support price and debt-related challenges.
The Rythu Bharosa scheme was initially introduced by the previous government to address these issues and prevent farmer suicides. During the Assembly elections, the Congress party included a promise in its manifesto to provide Rs 15,000 per acre annually to gain farmers’ support.
However, more than a year after coming to power, the government has not fulfilled its promise. Farmers have yet to receive the promised Rs 7,500 per acre for the rainy season, and it remains uncertain if or when this amount will be provided.