Shiv Sena Party plans to become more active in Telangana State. The party’s State unit President, Sinkaru Sivaji, met with party head and Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde to discuss their plans. Shinde instructed Sivaji to raise the Shiv Sena flag in Telangana and prepare movement activities to help the people. The party will form committees in every district and recruit more activists. They also plan to hold large public meetings in the State.
Sivaji said that many leaders and workers from other parties, students who played a role in the Telangana movement, and unemployed people are interested in joining Shiv Sena. The party plans to open a State office in Hyderabad and field candidates in all 119 Assembly constituencies in the upcoming elections. This move is also meant to counter BRS, which is trying to become a strong political force in Maharashtra.