Late Friday night, officials from the Excise and Narcotics Bureau (TG NAB) conducted surprise raids on 25 pubs in Hyderabad and Rangareddy district. The raids took place between 11 PM and 1 AM, focusing on various nightlife spots to ensure they were following drug laws.
The operation was led by Assistant Commissioner Anil Kumar Reddy. During the raids, a total of 107 drug detection tests were conducted on the people inside the pubs. Out of these tests, six individuals were found to have used illegal drugs.
The positive drug tests came from several places. Two individuals each tested positive at G40 and Whiskey Samba Pubs, while one person each tested positive at Zora Pub and Clubrogue.
Those who tested positive were arrested by the authorities. The operation was supported by Excise Enforcement Director Kamala Hasan Reddy, Joint Commissioner Qureshi, and other officials. Their efforts underline the ongoing commitment to keeping nightlife safe in the region.