Union Minister G Kishan Reddy said that the Telangana elections will be held on schedule and there is no connection between the State elections and simultaneous elections. He made these remarks during a press conference in Hyderabad. The Minister addressed the speculations of a possible postponement of the Telangana elections until May 2024 due to simultaneous elections and the potential imposition of president’s rule in the state. Reddy clarified that a committee headed by former President Ramnath Kovind and legal expert Ramnath Kovind has been formed by the Centre to discuss the concept of One Nation One Election (ONOE), which will take time to produce a report. He emphasized that the Telangana election is not linked to ONOE and will proceed as scheduled.
Reddy expressed support for ONOE, stating that frequent elections hinder development and that political parties need to consider alternative solutions. He called upon intellectuals to offer their valuable suggestions.
In response to another question, Reddy stated that the Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi (BRS) and Congress may join forces in the future. However, he ruled out any alliance with the BRS, emphasizing that his party will not align with any party that has an understanding with the Majlis party.
Addressing allegations regarding the Congress’ inability to hold meetings in the city, Reddy explained that the Central government celebrates Telangana Liberation Day on September 17 at Parade Grounds in Secunderabad. He stated that the Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are welcome to have meetings in Hyderabad every day without objection.
Regarding the release of candidate lists, Reddy criticized the premature release of a list and clarified that the party discusses and sends it to the BJP high command. The final decision on candidature will be made by the Central Parliament Board.