Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao will not be receiving Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Hyderabad on Sunday. This is not the first time KCR has chosen to stay away from welcoming the Prime Minister, as he usually sends ministers to receive him. On this occasion, Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav will welcome Modi on behalf of the government. The reason for KCR’s absence is said to be his viral fever.
After the finalization of Modi’s visit, Ministers KTR and Harish Rao criticized the Prime Minister. KTR accused Modi of being a fraud who only cares about getting votes. He questioned whether the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy lift scheme would be given national status.
Here is the schedule for Modi’s visit:
– Modi will arrive at Shamshabad airport at 1.30 pm
– He will then travel to Mahabubnagar by special helicopter
– The Prime Minister will reach Mahbubnagar Helipad at 2.10 pm
– From 2.15 to 2.50 pm, he will inaugurate various development works in Mahabubnagar
– At 3 o’clock, he will arrive at the public meeting venue
– The public meeting will continue until 4 o’clock
– At 4.10 pm, he will leave from Mahabubnagar to Shamshabad by helicopter
– Modi will reach the airport at 4.45 pm
– At 4.50 pm, he will depart from Shamshabad to Delhi by special flight.