The Finance Minister of Telangana, T Harish Rao, has asked Commercial Tax officials to reach their revenue targets for this year. Last year, the department collected the highest amount of tax revenue ever at Rs 72,500 crore. Harish Rao attended a conference organized by the Commercial Tax Department to discuss ways to increase revenue sources. He praised the department for their work in collecting funds to support initiatives. This year, the department has a budget target of Rs 85,413 crore and the Minister called on all employees to work hard for the advancement of the State and the nation.
Harish Rao mentioned that Telangana has ranked first in India in terms of its state-owned revenue growth rate over the past eight years. He attributed this success to transparent governance, which is associated with the State’s administration. He also emphasized that Telangana does not take any cess from the Centre, which shows their commitment to progressive taxation policies.