The Telangana Animal Husbandry and Cinematography minister, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, announced that the government has set aside Rs. 15 crores for temples during the Bonalu festival. He advised temple committees to apply for financial assistance within a week. The government will help temples that are not under the Endowment department for the Bonalu festival. The government provides financial support every year to these temples for the maintenance of Bonalu. Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav also clarified that financial assistance would be provided before the festival begins.
The Bonalu festival will start on June 22 in Golconda, followed by Secunderabad Mahankali Bonalu on July 9 and Old City Bonas on July 16. The minister assured that the government would make all necessary arrangements to organize the Ashad Bonalu festival peacefully, as it does every year.