Telangana Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav has announced that the movie “Gandhi” will be shown for free in all theaters across the state from the 14th to the 24th of this month. A special meeting was held to discuss the arrangements for the film screening.
During the meeting, the Minister explained that as part of the celebrations for India’s 75 years of independence, the film “Gandhi” will be screened on 582 screens in the state to inspire a sense of national spirit among students.
The Minister instructed officials to work together with theater management, the education department, the transport department, and other relevant departments to ensure that students can attend the screenings for free and safely travel to and from the theaters.
Several officials and representatives from various organizations were present at the meeting, including FDC Chairman Anil Kumar Kurmachalam, Telangana State Film Chamber of Commerce President Sunil Narang, Secretary Anupam Reddy, Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce President Dil Raju, Secretary Damodar Prasad, Home Department Principal Secretary Jitender, FDC MD Ashok Reddy, Law Department Additional Secretary Mannan, FDC ED Kishore Babu, and representatives from UFO, Cube, Serasera, PVR, among others.