Telangana paid tribute to Professor K Jayashankar on his birth anniversary. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, state ministers, and leaders of Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) honored the former vice-chancellor of Kakatiya University for his role in the Telangana movement. Floral tributes were offered to Jayashankar in the Assembly hall, and other public representatives also paid their respects at various events across the state. Chief Minister KCR highlighted Jayashankar’s contributions and stated that the Telangana government is working towards fulfilling his vision of a separate Telangana state that ensures welfare and equality for all.
KCR also mentioned that Telangana has become a role model for the country, achieving significant milestones in irrigation, agriculture, education, healthcare, and social development within a span of nine years. He expressed his commitment to realizing Jayashankar’s dream of a “Golden Telangana” with equal development for all sections of society.
BRS working president K T Rama Rao also paid tribute to Jayashankar at a program held at BRS headquarters, Telangana Bhavan.