Players from Mumbai Indians and Kolkata Knight Riders have been fined for breaching the Indian Premier League’s Code of Conduct. Suryakumar Yadav was fined Rs. 12 lakh for a slow over-rate, which was his team’s first offence of the season. Nitish Rana, the Kolkata Knight Riders captain, was fined 25 percent of his match fee for a Level 1 Offence under Article 2.21 of the IPL’s Code of Conduct. MI bowler Hrithik Shokeen was fined 10 percent of his match fee for breaching the IPL Code of Conduct during his team’s match against Kolkata Knight Riders.
MI won the game by five wickets. After the win, Surya said, “We had a chat in the dugout, we just had to carry the momentum from the previous game and the boys put on a show. I would have loved to finish the game but very happy with how things went. In the afternoon, I thought the wicket was a bit dry but the way the guys batted, it settled down in the evening.” Rana said after ending up on the losing side, “I think we were 15-20 runs short. Credit to PC bhai (Piyush Chawla) for the way he bowled. Feel bad for Venky, he scored a hundred, played so well but finished on the losing side.”
The Match Referee’s decision is final and binding for Level 1 breaches of the Code of Conduct.