In Hyderabad, BRS Chief K Chandrashekar Rao said Congress would only get two seats, but recent surveys show BRS may not even get three seats in Telangana. Surveys predict more seats for Congress and BJP.
At a public meeting in Sangareddy, BRS Chief claimed Congress would only get two out of 17 seats in upcoming elections. However, surveys by various agencies show a different picture, with Congress and BJP projected to win more seats than BRS in Telangana.
India TV CNX survey predicts Congress could win eight seats, BJP six, and BRS just two. Jan Lok Poll sees a close fight between BJP and Congress, with BRS trailing in third place.
Peoples Pulse survey suggests Congress may win 8-10 seats, BJP 2-4, and BRS 3-5. ABP CVoter survey predicts ten seats for Congress, five for BJP, and one for BRS.
News18 Mega Opinion Poll forecasts eight seats for BJP, six for Congress, and two for BRS in Telangana. Despite low survey results, a senior BRS leader believes the party will do better in the elections due to current farmer crisis and government failures in implementing schemes.