The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is currently conducting surprise searches in Telugu states, which has caused quite a stir. The NIA has been spying on important individuals in the human rights movement, leading to these inspections. In Hyderabad, the NIA officials searched the house of Bhawani, an activist of the Amarula Bandhumitru Sangam. They also conducted a search at the residence of Advocate Suresh in Vidyanagar.
Similar searches are also taking place in Nellore. The NIA officials inspected the residence of Ellanki Venkateshwarlu, who is the APCLC District General Secretary in Osman Sahebpet. Venkateshwarlu has been actively involved in civil rights movements for twenty years and currently holds the position of General Secretary of the Nellore District Civil Rights Association.
In addition, the NIA team conducted searches at the residence of Dr. Raja Rao, a member of the State Working Committee of the Civil Rights Association in Ponnur, Guntur District. The inspections began at 5 am, and there was a heavy deployment of special forces around Rao’s house and his hospital.