Rangareddy: Palamuru Vishnuvardhan Reddy has been actively participating in the election campaign across several villages in Jillad Chowdhariguda mandal. He has been welcomed with grandeur in each village and has addressed the crowd, emphasizing the importance of supporting those who serve. Vishnuvardhan Reddy questioned the logic of taking action against servants and highlighted his dedication to restoring the party’s reputation. He urged voters not to give opportunities to those who engage in theft and deceit, and emphasized the need to empower servants. He expressed gratitude for the support received and promised to stand with the community in various service activities. Komrakka encouraged voters to choose the symbol of a lion, symbolizing Vishnu’s support, and ensure victory. The event witnessed the participation of various leaders, activists, fans, and village representatives, further solidifying support for Palamuru Vishnuvardhan Reddy’s campaign.