The Delhi Police is on high alert for the 2023 Independence Day and has implemented strict security measures in the capital. Section 144 has been enacted in areas near Rajghat, ITO, and Red Fort to handle any untoward incidents. Vehicle inspections at the Delhi border have also been increased.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central) announced on Twitter that Section 144 has been enforced around Rajghat, ITO, and Red Fort due to the Independence Day celebrations. Gatherings are not allowed in certain areas. The 77th Independence Day will be celebrated on August 15, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation from the Red Fort.
To ensure security, the Delhi Police has restricted the use of paragliders, hang-gliders, and hot air balloons in the skies of the national capital until August 16. The Commissioner of Police, Sanjay Arora, issued an order in this regard prior to the Independence Day celebrations on August 15th.
The order states that criminals, anti-social elements, or anti-India terrorists may use various flying objects like paragliders, hang-gliders, hot air balloons, and unmanned aerial vehicles to jeopardize the security of ordinary people, dignitaries, and key institutions.