Home Hyderabad Stern series of events that form a plot against those worthy of...

Stern series of events that form a plot against those worthy of trust: Harish Rao

Stern series of events that form a plot against those worthy of trust: Harish Rao

Health Minister T Harish Rao


Health Minister T Harish Rao

Hyderabad: Health Minister T Harish Rao on Thursday said that the government would select nonindulgent series of events that form a plot against the worthy of trust for the event of MGM Hospital PG learner Dr Preethi.

The Health Minister said that Preethi’s event was .

The government was taking up a detailed inquiry and would select stern series of events that form a plot against those involved in it, no carry weight how they are.

He said that the government has directed the NIMS doctors to render the best discourse. 



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