Hyderabad’s Municipal Administration Minister, KT Rama Rao, inaugurated the Stellantis Digital Hub in the city on Wednesday. Stellantis is a well-known automaker and mobility provider, known for its diverse workforce and global presence. The company has iconic brands like Jeep, Citroen, Maserati, Peugeot, Fiat, and more. Stellantis has been operating in Hyderabad since 2020 and has now established its independent operations at the new office space.
The Stellantis Digital Hub in Hyderabad covers an impressive area of 75,000 square feet. It follows the “New Era of Agility” model, which promotes a hybrid work approach combining remote and in-office work. The hub includes over 700 workstations and encourages collaboration and innovation. It offers comprehensive capabilities in product development, IT services, and software technologies.
During the inauguration ceremony, Minister KT Rama Rao highlighted the thriving automotive ecosystem in Hyderabad. The city is home to renowned companies like ZF, Bosch, Advanced Auto Parts, and Fisker. Over 100,000 employees are working in the mobility space in Hyderabad, including those in IT services. Technological giants like Qualcomm, Micron, Intel, and Microsoft have also strengthened their presence in the city’s mobility sector.
The Minister expressed gratitude to Stellantis for their contribution to the conceptualization of the Telangana Mobility Valley (TMV). The ground-breaking ceremony for TMV will take place next month. He praised Mamatha Chamarthi, Head of Software Business and Product Management at Stellantis, for her crucial role in anchoring the project and expressed confidence in her leadership.
Minister KT Rama Rao emphasized Stellantis’ rapid expansion in Hyderabad. The company’s new facility at the BSR Tech Park can accommodate over 770 employees, with plans to increase this number to over 1,850 professionals within the next three years. Stellantis has also formed partnerships with institutions like IIIT Hyderabad, T-Hub, and various startups and colleges in the state to foster innovation and talent development.
Yves Bonnefont, Stellantis Chief Software Officer, expressed excitement about the company’s expansion in India. The new software office in Hyderabad, along with the previously inaugurated hub in Bengaluru, demonstrates their commitment to growing in India and recognizing the region’s talented workforce in building their global tech platforms.