Today, 17 March 2023, petrol and diesel prices in major cities across India remained stable. In Delhi, the petrol price per litre is Rs. 96.72 and diesel is priced at Rs. 89.62. Meanwhile, in Hyderabad, the petrol price is at Rs. 109.67 per litre and diesel is priced at Rs. 97.82 per litre. Chennai has a petrol price of Rs. 102.63 per litre and diesel is priced at Rs. 94.24 per litre.
Mumbai’s petrol price per litre is Rs. 106.31 and diesel remains at Rs. 97.28 per litre. In Bangalore, the petrol price is Rs. 101.94 per litre and diesel is priced at Rs. 87.89 per litre.
India heavily relies on crude oil imports for petrol and diesel, making crude oil prices a significant factor affecting fuel rates. However, other factors such as increasing demand, government taxes, rupee-dollar depreciation, and refinery concept ratio also impact domestic fuel prices.
It’s important to note that fuel prices are subject to change at any time as petroleum companies like Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) frequently adjust fuel prices based on crude oil prices.
Overall, it’s essential for consumers to stay informed about fuel prices to make informed decisions about their transportation expenses.