The police in Hyderabad are working hard to check vehicles with only a month left before the upcoming parliamentary polls. Special teams like the Flying Squads and Static Surveillance Teams are also active in this effort.
All inspections are being recorded on video by the officers. Anyone found carrying more than Rs 50,000 in cash without a valid explanation is being stopped. They are also keeping an eye out for valuables that could be used to influence voters and unauthorized transportation of liquor.
Since the election code was declared on March 16, enforcement teams have seized a total of Rs 12.62 crore in cash. The Flying Squad seized Rs 2.76 crore, the police department seized Rs 9.70 crore, and the SST teams seized Rs 15.79 lakh. Additionally, valuables worth Rs 1.73 crore and 19,380.87 litres of alcohol were also confiscated.
To ensure that the Model Code of Conduct is followed, strict vigilance is being maintained and cases are being filed against violators. A total of 141 cases have been registered and 136 people have been arrested. There were 280 complaints related to cash and other items meant for elections, leading to FIRs against 185 individuals. In the district, 2,409 licensed firearms have been deposited.
On Saturday alone, Rs 13.13 lakh in cash, Rs 34,159 worth of valuables, and 22.44 litres of liquor were seized by the enforcement teams.