The Congress party in Hyderabad has welcomed the announcement made by Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy regarding the Medigadda barrage. They are urging the Chief Minister and the Irrigation Minister to hold a meeting with experts and provide clarification on the possibility of restoring the project.
G Niranjan, the PCC senior vice president, stated that the people of the State are pleased with the Chief Minister’s decision to have an inquiry conducted by a sitting judge to investigate the collapse of the Medigadda project’s pillars and the corruption involved. He questioned why the previous government did not respond to the incident that occurred on October 21 and why they downplayed it. He also criticized KTR for stating on October 28 that the construction company, L&T, would handle the necessary rectification, but now they have shirked away from their responsibility. Niranjan asked why KTR and the responsible irrigation authorities are not taking remedial measures.
Furthermore, Niranjan questioned why the BRS government quickly wrote a reply letter denying the findings and flaws in construction and design by the Central Dam Safety Authority, and why they failed to take immediate action to investigate the incident and take corrective steps. He also raised concerns about the Chief Secretary’s failure to initiate an inquiry, despite their complaint being forwarded by CEO Vikas Raj on November 7. According to reports, it is not possible to restore the Medigadda project before the upcoming rainy season, which could cause further damage.
Niranjan emphasized that everyone involved should take responsibility for this situation. He called for immediate corrective measures and restoration work to address the concerns of the local residents.