Home Telangana Splendid Pujas of Goddess Santoshi Mata

Splendid Pujas of Goddess Santoshi Mata

Splendid Pujas of Goddess Santoshi Mata

A special pooja was performed at Santoshimata Temple in Omnagar Colony in Nagarkurnool District Center on Sri Krodhi Naam Santhwara Jeshtha Masam Padyami. The head priest, Alladi Prakash Sharma, led the ceremony on Friday.

During the morning, devotees organized abhishekam with special offerings, decoration, and collective rituals like kumkumkarchana udyapan. They also performed Kalash puja, paddy rice rituals, and dolarohana. The members of Sri Lalita Sahasra Seva Samiti recited the Lalita Sahasra and Lingashtakam with devotion. Special offerings were made to the Goddess and Maha Mangalaharati was performed.


After the rituals, Anna Prasad and Tirtha Prasad were distributed to all devotees. Kotha Revathi and Srinivasulu couple helped with the Anna Prasad distribution. A dance performance by Mahathi at the temple premises attracted many devotees. Members of the temple committee and various devotees participated in the program.



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