Home Hyderabad Special trains in between Secunderabad, Subedarganj

Special trains in between Secunderabad, Subedarganj


Special trains in between Secunderabad, Subedarganj

Special trains in between Secunderabad, Subedarganj

Hyderabad: In order to clear added thrill of travelers, the South Central Railway (SCR) will certainly run unique trains in between Secunderabad as well asSubedarganj

Train no- 04121will leave from Subedarganj at 3.50 pm as well as show up Secunderabad at 8 pm on the following day.

The train will layer from April 6 to June 29, train no-04122 will certainly leave from Secunderabad at 9.50 pm as well as show up Subedarganj at 4 pm on the following day.

The days of trip are from April 7 to June 30.



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