Hyderabad District Election Officer and GHMC Commissioner Ronald Rose has announced that a special campaign will take place on September 02 and 03 for the second special summary revision of the voter list. This campaign is aimed at ensuring that all eligible voters are registered.
To be eligible for registration, individuals must be at least 18 years old or turning 18 by October 01, 2023, and their names should not be currently listed in the voter list. On August 21, the draft voter list will be released, and voters are encouraged to check if their names are included. During the special campaign, the draft voter list will be available at the nearest polling booth, where any errors or omissions can be addressed.
To register as a new voter or make changes to the voter list, individuals can fill out Form-6 or Form-8 respectively. These forms can be obtained from the booth level officer at the nearest polling booth on September 02 and 03, from 10:30 am to 5 pm. Alternatively, registration and corrections can also be made online at https://voters.eci.gov.in or through the voter helpline mobile app.
During the special campaign, BLOs (Booth Level Officers) are expected to attend near their respective polling stations and have the necessary forms ready. If a BLO is unable to attend, Constituency EROs (Electoral Registration Officers) will take appropriate action.
The special campaign allows for various changes and additions to be made, such as upgrading mobile numbers, correcting typographical errors, updating house numbers or addresses, resolving photo mismatches or irregularities, and ensuring correct registration in the same constituency for family members. Additionally, individuals can rectify errors like being registered in non-standard house numbers or in voter lists of other constituencies.
Overall, this special campaign aims to ensure an accurate and comprehensive voter list by encouraging eligible individuals to register or update their information.