Former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly has unfollowed Virat Kohli on Instagram after the RCB player snubbed his handshake during a match against the Delhi Capitals. Kohli had previously accused the board of removing him from the captaincy, with Ganguly supposedly playing a key role. However, Ganguly denied the allegations. Kohli has also been fined 10% of his match fee for breaching the IPL Code of Conduct during a game against Chennai Super Kings. The 34-year-old scored only six runs before getting out.
This news article is about a situation between two Indian cricket players, Sourav Ganguly and Virat Kohli. During a recent IPL match between Kohli’s team, the Royal Challengers Bangalore, and Ganguly’s former team, the Delhi Capitals, Kohli reportedly snubbed Ganguly’s handshake after the game. Following this, Kohli unfollowed Ganguly on Instagram. In response, Ganguly blocked Kohli.
This incident has come as a result of previous tension between the two players, with Kohli previously accusing the board of removing him from captaincy, with Ganguly having a supposed role in the decision. Ganguly has denied these allegations. The article also mentions that Kohli has been fined for breaching the IPL Code of Conduct during a game against Chennai Super Kings.