Jubilee Hills police in Hyderabad have registered a new case involving Raheel Amir, the son of former BRS Bodhan MLA Amer Shakeel. Raheel was recently arrested in connection with a road accident at Praja Bhavan that occurred in December, shortly after his return from Dubai. Now, he is facing another case related to a road accident that happened a couple of years ago.
The incident in question involved a car hitting Kajol Chauhan, who was selling balloons while crossing Road Number 45. Tragically, Kajol’s two-month-old son Ranveer lost his life in the accident, and she sustained serious injuries. Following the collision, three individuals fled the scene in a car.
Through their investigation, the police discovered that Raheel and two of his friends were inside the car at the time of the accident. While it was initially unclear who was driving, one of Raheel’s friends named Afnan surrendered to the authorities and confessed to being the driver. Statements from both the victim, Kajol, and Afnan pointed to Raheel as the person behind the wheel.
As a result of this new information, Raheel has been named as an accused in the case, and the charges against him have been updated. The Jubilee Hills police are currently looking into the matter and conducting further investigations.