Women journalists in Hyderabad are urging Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao to hand over Pet Basheerabad land to the Jawaharlal Nehru Mutually Aided Cooperative Housing Society. The society has lost 60 journalist members, many of whom lost their jobs due to the Covid pandemic. They have paid for the land value to the government in 2011 and the Supreme Court gave a judgement in their favour, but they still have not been given the house sites.
On Monday, the women journalists organised a protest meeting at Press Club with family members of the deceased journalists. They shared their experiences on how difficult it was after losing their sole breadwinners. One woman journalist said she had to crowd fund for the funerals and had no job to feed her children when her husband passed away.
The society CEO, Vamshi Srinivas, answered questions raised by members. The women journalists hope that CM KCR will do justice by implementing the Supreme Court orders and hand over the land to the society.