Residents of Jawaharnagar have been protesting to draw attention to the issue of leachate water coming from the power plant at the dump yard. This contaminated water is causing an increase in skin diseases among children who have to walk through it to get to school. Around 1,000-1,500 school-going children in the area are facing serious health problems because of this polluted water. Last year, the government promised that no polluted water would come out of the plant, but the reality is that it is still happening and flowing into the colonies. This is a major concern for the well-being and future of the children.
The situation is getting worse every day. The smell is unbearable and dirty water is stagnating in the lanes. The residents are facing difficulties in commuting and have to close their doors and windows. The government’s negligence is causing suffering for the residents. Despite previous assurances, there has been no relief for those living near the dump yard. Even the children are suffering, especially those in slums.
Social activist Sandeep Raj is calling for a thorough investigation by the Jawaharnagar municipality to determine the source and extent of water contamination near the dump yard. Immediate steps should be taken to prevent contamination and secure the area. Medical camps should also be arranged to assess and treat the affected children’s ailments.
The residents are tired of complaining to officials for a permanent solution. Although an official visited the area to verify the issue, no action has been taken. The polluted water has caused skin allergies for a seven-year-old girl and other children in the locality.