The BRS supremo K Chandrasekhar Rao is expected to announce the first list of candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections soon. This has caused concern for the sitting MLAs in Jangaon district, Muthireddy Yadagiri Reddy and Thatikonda Rajaiah, as they face pressure from within their own party. There are rumors that MLC and Rythu Bandhu State president Palla Rajaeshwar Reddy wants to contest from Jangaon seat, which has led to a demonstration in support of Muthireddy by his followers.
Muthireddy is facing allegations of land grabbing, including accusations from his own daughter. The BRS leadership is not happy with him and there are claims that some party leaders, led by Palla, are trying to sabotage his chances by providing false information to K Chandrasekhar Rao.
In addition, there is a longstanding rivalry between former deputy chief ministers Kadiyam Srihari and Thatikonda Rajaiah. Both leaders have been vying for the Station Ghanpur seat, with Srihari wanting to make a comeback into mainstream politics. Despite interventions from the BRS leadership, the rivalry between them continues.
Speculation is growing that Srihari might receive the ticket for Station Ghanpur, but Rajaiah remains confident in his chances of winning for the fifth consecutive time. Recent developments, such as accusations against Rajaiah and his accusations against Srihari, have affected their images.
Rajaiah’s followers have organized a prayer ceremony at Bhadrakali temple to protect his seat and have also protested against Srihari’s candidacy.
In summary, the upcoming announcement of candidates for the Assembly elections has created tension among the sitting MLAs in Jangaon district, as they face pressure from within their own party. There is also a rivalry between former deputy chief ministers Kadiyam Srihari and Thatikonda Rajaiah for the Station Ghanpur seat. Speculation is growing about the potential candidates, but both leaders remain confident in their chances of winning.