Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal inaugurated a new branch of B R Ambedkar School of Specialised Excellence in Bawana and expressed his emotions about missing his former deputy, Manish Sisodia. Sisodia had started the school with the aim of providing quality education to everyone. Kejriwal said that false charges had been framed against Sisodia and he has been jailed in an unjust manner. However, Kejriwal believes that Sisodia will be granted bail very soon as truth always wins.
Kejriwal also made a veiled attack on the BJP, saying that they want to halt the progress of Delhi’s education. He claimed that everyone around the world has the same opinion about government schools in Delhi, that they are the best.
Additionally, Kejriwal criticised the police for their inability to make criminals in Delhi feel fearful. He mentioned that the people are losing faith in the police and asked Lt Governor VK Saxena to discharge his constitutional duties instead of doing politics.