Former Agriculture minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy has demanded that the government provide Rs 500/quintal as bonus for Kharif paddy, as promised during the Assembly elections. He made this demand during a press conference at Telangana Bhavan. Reddy alleged that payments to farmers are pending, amounting to thousands of crores. He emphasized that the bonus should be paid to farmers whose payments are due, in accordance with the government’s assurance. Former minister Satyavathi Rathor, MP Maloth Kavitha, and ex-MP Sitaram Naik were also present at the press conference.
Reddy highlighted that the previous government had procured paddy by setting up over 7,000 centers and made prompt payments to farmers within seven to ten days. However, he criticized the current government for not depositing the ‘Rythu Bandhu’ money in farmers’ bank accounts, stating that it is putting the lives of farmers at risk. Reddy mentioned that Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy claimed on December 27 that the money was deposited under ‘Rythu Bandhu’, and Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka also stated on January 9 that all farmers received ‘Rythu Bandhu’. However, Agriculture minister Tummala Nageswara Rao said that the money would be deposited after Sankranti. Reddy demanded proof of loan waiver for farmers and urged the government to clarify whether it would provide irrigation water to farmers in the Krishna basin.
Reddy warned the government against using the upcoming Parliament election as an excuse to evade action. He emphasized that Telangana chilli has demand both nationally and internationally, but is not receiving a support price in certain markets. He called for immediate action from the government in this regard. Reddy also mentioned that in the past, the government had taken advanced steps and procured crops at minimum support price. He highlighted the provision of 24-hour power supply to all sectors and free electricity to the agriculture sector by the previous government, and demanded that the current government continue this policy.