Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is set to attend the BC Declaration Assembly in Shadnagar town, Rangareddy. The event, which will take place in the first week of September, is expected to draw around 3 lakh attendees. The Congress party has already issued declarations addressing various concerns, and the upcoming BC Declaration will be unveiled at the event. Siddaramaiah will be joined by other prominent leaders of the Congress party. The media conference in Shadnagar was attended by several Congress leaders, including Pradeep, Sanjeev Mudiraj, Raghu, Babar Khan, Balaraju Goud, Chandrasekhar, Raju, Janga Narasimha Yadav, Jagadiswarappa, Konkalla Chennaiah, Y Yadaiah Yadav, Purushottam Reddy, and others.